Point cloud Modeling

point cloud modeling

Point clouds are a collection of three-dimensional positions in space, and these positions are usually associated with a three-dimensional model. This information is generally three-dimensional and 4-dimensional when the color is also shown. The data in a point cloud provides a lot of information.  Point clouds created by 3Dlaser scanning are exportable in BIM software. Revit uses point cloud modeling for As-built, quality measurement, inspection, restoration, and reconstruction regarding optimizing building energy.

What is the advantage of Point cloud?

point cloud modeling
  • Accurate and faster outputs for scanning a building in 3D models. Ground-based can obtain precise results on the millimeter scale, Not having the challenge of as-built with point modeling in Revit.
    Because Point Cloud scans can provide a much higher level of accuracy than any hand-held device, without a doubt which leads to improved project team collaboration.
    360-degree visualization makes it possible to obtain error-free plans in the bim model to be reconstructed.

  • Due to the higher accuracy of the cloud point, you can make more accurate estimates for your project. And stay within the project budget set, while you will face fewer unexpected happens. Laser scanning with good point cloud modeling can reduce the need for rework on the project and give you further information.

Formats for clouds file are:

  • 1. XYZ
  • 2. OBJ
  • 3. E57
  • 4. LAS
  • 5. PLY
  • 6. PTX
  • 7. PCS, RCS, RCP                                                      Developed by AUTODESK 
point cloud in recap

How does BIM software help to point cloud model?

The files in these formats (PCS, RCS, RCP) will be imported into Recap Autodesk for checking; measurements and reviews are done in this case.

After all the models insert into Revit for modeling and documentation,

Like the picture below.

point cloud in recap
point cloud modeling in revit

The َAutodesk recap software workflows

bim measuring
bim measuring

As you can see, the point cloud model in this software can measure the model and leave a comment for the teams.

Point cloud services

Our team has excellent experience regarding point cloud modeling in Revit from building laser scanning from European projects. We also provide documentation from the point cloud model in Revit as a BIM model for your project with High quality and the best accuracy. 

point cloud modeling in revit

SATA BIM is organized by professional architects who can help you build your projects from the start to the end. You could contact us if you need any advice on the process of any part of what you want. We are here to help you build your projects in the most efficient, Nice Designed, and fast way.