Apartment bim project

Apartment BIM project   
                 BIM Model:  SATABIM
         Architect: Navid Misaghi
         Structural design: Sazegroup
                Location: Tehran
             Area: 900m2

This building is actually an Apartment BIM Project, which due to the special and elaborate design of its facade, which is also designed in a modern style, required the precise design of the structure with the least amount of clash with the facade. The main concern of the client of this building was to create precise curves in the facade, which required precise coordination with its structural details. Therefore, the structural engineer of this building proposed modeling in the form of BIM process to the architect who was also the employer of this project. 

The Apartment BIM project is a modern building in that we model all disciplines in Revit. the project has challenges after some modeling.

Therefore, the project was referred to the satabim team in the structure design phase. From the very beginning of the proposal to cooperate in this project, our team evaluated it as a building in the Apartment BIM Project field and reviewed the strategies related to this type of project. After several meetings with the structural designer and building owner, a pre-contract was discussed and reviewed while preparing bim documents in the form of 4 disciplines. After this stage, by writing the BEP related to the modeling of the mentioned issues, the parties agreed upon a final contract.

Apartment BIM Project challenges

The modeling of this project started with the modeling of its structure with LOD 300. After getting initial approvals from the employer and its structural designer, the architectural modeling was followed with LOD300. Although the contract and final agreements of this work were based on LOD 350, our team’s modeling strategy was planned so that the interferences of the structure and architecture are resolved first. It can be said that this strategy can be very effective in the Apartment BIM Project.

When it comes to the interference of structure and architecture, it may be thought that many of these interferences can be resolved in the implementation phase. But because the view of this project involved very high accuracy for implementation, this required that the accuracy of modeling and fixing its interferences should be taken into account at the level of 1cm accuracy.

After modeling the structure and architecture with LOD 300, interferences were observed in the view of the floors, and the parts that are visible in the images were revised again. Therefore, meetings were held with the client and the structural engineer of this project, and along with making new decisions for the structure, corrections were also referred to our team. After this stage and completing the modeling with lod 300, the architectural and structural modeling was upgraded to the level of lod 350, and also the new structural drawings were referred to the relevant factory to prepare shop drawing with Tekla software.


Project Process

After consolidating the position of various elements in structural and architectural modeling, the MEP plans delivered by the client, which was in the form of dwg files, were discussed and the modeling of these parts began. In the process of MEP modeling, the project was divided into different parts, and initial modeling with lod300 was done in piping, ducting, air exhausts, heating and cooling facilities, etc. But in this section, many interferences and contradictions were found. Contradictions that went beyond the visual resolution of modeling and were considered hard clashes. For example, it can be mentioned that the equipment designed by the mechanical engineer, after modeling, did not fit in the space provided for the engine room. Therefore, new meetings were held in the presence of the construction team, the implementation team and the relevant client. Finally, it was decided to change the designed installation system.

In the following, after modeling all parts with lod 350, all soft clashes were examined with an accuracy of 5 cm, and after removing all interferences, the modeling was finalized. After the completion of the final interference removal stage, the BOQ and MTO tables of the project were completed and delivered to the client along with all the new models and plans.

Mechanical details

SATA BIM is organized by professional architects who can help you build your projects from the start until the end. You could contact us if you need any advice on the process of any part of what you want. We are here to help you build your projects in the most efficient, Nice Designed, and fast way.